Sunday, 28 July 2013

THE SECRETS OF GOOD CONVERSATION - Start it now at Speak English - Koramangala

An interesting conversationalist is welcome anywhere – and you can learn to be one. If you find yourself shying away from conversation, here are tips that will give you more confidence in a group, tell you how to avoid common errors and embarrassing silences.
     Conversation is self expression; it provides us opportunities for asserting our individuality, telling the world just how we feel, or letting off steam. Talk of this sort is pleasurable and valuable. At its best conversation means pooling of information, the sharing of interests, the bringing together of ideas.
    Here are a few tips for a good conversation.
Be interested in what’s being talked about. Be interested not just in one person you know very well, but in all the people in the group. Let your gaze move from eye to eye.
Conversation withers if you are critical of the people present or are cans tie about their contributions or show by your expression, that you don’t think much about them.
Smile; make it an interested, friendly smile shows your good feelings in the way you say things. Leave your tragic mask at home. Don’t try to get people together found by inhabiting what a hurt, misunderstood soul you are.
You’re alive, so let your far and gestures show it. But good conversation also has certain calmness, a feeling of relaxation about it. It is a play activity, a good refreshing rest from work.
Topics, people and moods change. In good conversationalist changes with them.
Follow that old adage, think before you speak. Think first not afterwards. That is the essence of tactfulness. If you neighbor’s son has been expelled from school, stay far away from the topic of college requirements or any talk about the irresponsibility of youth, while chatting with him.
Good conversation is good manners. This does not mean merely saying, “Please, Thanks, You are welcome”. It means having a general attitude of consideration for others.

1.     Don’t be dogmatic
Avoid the sweeping generation, such as “all politicians are corrupt”. Moderate your statements avoid all and always use some , sometimes a few, many occasionally etc. learn the face saving and argument avoiding uses of perhaps: do you think last week I heard someone say that may be I’m wrong, but.
2.     Condescending
An attitude of being superior to everything and everybody will soon leave you in splendid isolation. There are better amusements than sitting alone looking down one’s nose.
3.     Don’t be argumentative
Almost everybody likes a good fight in the prize ring or the political arena. But almost no one is overjoyed to discover a battler in the living room. Do not argue for argument’s sake, when you disagree, be an amicable adversary.
4.     Don’t be lifeless
The other person expects to get some response from you to his willicism. Don’t force him to carry the entire burden of the talking make your responses something more than monosyllables conversation is a game which requires at least two players, no game is fun if one player is halfhearted about it.
5.     Don’t be insincere
Praise people but don’t over praise them. Don’t gush, don’t be fulsome. And praise the right thing. If your hostess serves excellent food on acceptable but undistinguishing China, Praise the food, not the plates.
 6.     Don’t be egocentric
Express your opinion state, your reactions but without given the expression that you think the universe revolves around you. Don’t talk in such a way that your topics can be described as “inflation and me”, “The Taj Mahal and me”, “The Supreme court and me”, “The decimal point and me”, etc.
7.     Don’t aim to be the “the life of the party”
We admire the wonderful storyteller, the brilliant evil, the character whose infections humor keeps the party conversed with laughter. But we shouldn’t lit our admiration lead us into thinking that our every remark must be a joke, that the chief goal of conversation is laughter. Good conversation can be serious as well as a gay.
8.     Finally, don’t mumble
Speak clearly; speak up before a remark can be understood, before a question can be answered, before a joke can be laughed at, it must be heard, it must be intelligible.

WHAT IS SELF IMAGE? Re-modeling of your thinking process - Speak English NOW - Koramangala

Look at the picture; do you also see a strong personality when you look at yourself in mirror? Or
Do you see something very low and negative which is not you at all?
Does how do you think of you and look at yourself matter in life?
Let’s find the answers for all the questions.


Self Image is the picture what you have about yourself in your mind.
 A picture which is stuck in your mind saying “THIS IS WHAT  I AM
 which cannot be easily changed. It may be related to your height,
weight, complexion, smile, style etc.


There are 3 types of self image
  • Self image built on how do you look at yourself
  • Self image built on how do others look at you 
  • Self image resulting on how do you make others to look at you

Everything occurred since childhood of person contributes to the poor self image, specially the criticism. Memories have an immense power they can make a human being either a great persona or a nothing. We are used to recollect the criticism made by one person rather than the complement made by several people, which is a great threat for our self image.
There are many types of personality. I always prefer DOPE (Dove, Owl, Peacock and Eagle) as its very simple and easy to understand. Your self image certainly depends on whether you are a Dove or an Eagle? For each personality has its own characteristic. 

If you have a negative picture about yourself it does mean that you have a poor self image.
Your Poor self image affects your life directly and indirectly. The following are the consequences of P I:-
  •  What you think of yourself will certainly be shown through your behavior and action. This will give green signal to others to rule over you as you think you are not the best.
  • Poor self image sometimes gets severe and takes the shape of depression, because of which people lose the hope of living.

  • When you have poor picture about you, will for sure affect your performance at work. 
  • Most of the times it forces you to become dependent.


                                                    1.     Know your personality 

As already discussed above sometimes the strong reason behind
our current self image can be the type of personality we have.
No two people are same in the world, everybody is unique. Somebody is very confident and somebody is nervous. Henceforth know  what category of personality you belong to. If it’s due to your personality, know your areas of improvement and start working on it.

      2.  Love yourself
Have you ever said “I LOVE YOU” to yourself? If no please start telling whenever you get a chance to do it. Accept everything about you as it is and love yourself. Love every bit of
 your behavior may be the way you smile, the way you stand, the way you wear clothes everything. Once you start yourself if anybody comments on you, nothing can stop you
from having a positive self image.

3.     Implement Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements which start from I, for example:- I am an achiever, I can face any challenges in my life, I am the best etc. You can make your areas of improvement as your affirmations, which will get slowly converted as your strengths. Affirmations are used as a strong tool for confidence building and personality development. This will for sure boost up your self image.

4.     Get  counseled
As already explained in the above paragraph sometimes due to accumulation of criticism since your childhood can be the strongest reason for your poor self image. Most of the times we would have accepted what others have commented about us as true, although it may not be the fact. The biggest mistake what we commit in this scenario is not sharing it with anybody which leads P I. Suppose you have also committed the same mistake meet a counselor at the earliest and take out all the hidden things which you have never shared it with anyone.

5.     Remember the admiration
In one or the other situation of our life a familiar or a stranger would have definitely appreciated you for many reasons. Instead of recollecting the criticism, recollect the complements which you got by several people which are so true about you. When you recollect, instantly your self image will be boosted up.

Now what are you waiting for? Change the way you look at yourself immediately and experience the growth in life. ALL THE BEST

Friday, 21 June 2013

Counselors & Teachers are available from 7:30 AM to 9:00PM - What's your excuse? |Spoken English Classes in bangalore

Watch this video and you will know the functions:

Feeling Small? Fear of Language? Instead of worrying, why not just walk-in for a Free Counseling?

Teachers are available from 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM only to make it convenient for YOU to learn better at your conveniences. 

What's your Excuse? 



Well-trained teachers with loads of experience are ready to train you. However, you have to walk-in and do your bit. Be available, Make time, Shine-out! 

It's all about practice and only YOU can make this choice! 
Procrastination will only delay your progress. 

Spoken English Courses - Speak English NOW!

Starter :

Program for the beginners:
This course focuses on the basic of English language starting from alphabets to simple words and simple sentences. Following is covered in the Starter course:

The course highlights are:

• Small words with meanings
• Basic sentence formation using these words
• Vocabulary building (using pictures and props)
• Introduction to Grammar for sentence construction
• Simple Speaking and conversation skills
• Basic Writing
Duration: 25 - 50 hours

Talk : 

Well researched program to understand the basics of grammar along with speaking

The course highlights are:

• Start speaking in English from day one.
• Correct Sentence Formation
• Confidence Building
• Thorough knowledge of Grammar
• Vocabulary Building
• Start Thinking in Speaking (No translation from Mother Tongue)
• Conversational Skills
• Simple Writing

Duration: 50 hours

 Fluency :

A holistic program for effective communication and personality development

The course highlights are:

• Conversational Skills
• Business Grammar
• Common Errors in Spoken English
• Confidence Building
• Vocabulary Building
• Pronunciation
• Listening Skills
• Group Discussion
• Body Language
• Email Writing
• Etiquette Training
• Presentation Skills
• Corporate Etiquette
• Mock Interviews
• Dining Etiquette

Duration: 50 hours

Voice & Accent :

Program is well designed to neutralize accent influence and pronunciation

Many of us have a distinct accent of our birth place, which results in Mother Tongue Influence (MTI) in our conversation style. This course not only neutralizes mother tongue influence but also works on audibility, clarity of speech and rate of speech.
The course highlights are:

• Neutralization of Mother Tongue Influence (MTI)
• Improve Pronunciation and Diction
• Intonation
• Voice Modulation and Articulation

Duration: 25 hours

Speak'N' Speak

This program focuses on providing practice in English speaking:

Once the participants have completed the Fluency module, they are entitled to take this program.
The course highlights are:

• Lots of English speaking practice
• Identifying errors while speaking
• Creative Speaking